Monday, February 16, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey: The Movie

On Saturday, I went to see Fifty Shades of Grey in Raleigh's North Hills. I've read the entire trilogy, so I most definitely wanted to see the film. the film was marketed (very well, I might add) so hard, but was extremely disappointing.


I thought there was zero chemistry between the characters of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. In no way did I feel that they were both genuinely attracted to each other or that they had an undying, true connection. The relationship between Christian and Ana is supposed to be intense and undoubtedly passionate. I didn't feel any of that. I did think that Ana's character was more convincing and acted much better than Christian's, but it all seemed very forced. Even the sex scenes seemed forced and unrealistic. Christian seemed like he was reading from a script the whole time. Ana was quite funny when she was drunk though! haha.

I've said many times before, I would never have chosen Jamie Dornan to play Mr. Grey. He just doesn't do it for me. He's more of the nerdy boy next door, when I was looking for a strong, sophisticated, breathtaking, handsome specimen of a man. I was thinking more along the lines of a Matt Bomer from White Collar.


Matt Bomer, case in point.

I did think that the movie kept true to the book as far as sequence of events, but like any movie based on a book, its difficult to capture the whole feeling and story in about two to three hours. The other element that I enjoyed was that each setting was exactly as I imagined. Charlie Tango to Escala, I think those places were captured wonderfully.

I love when the perfect music is placed strategically in a film. I'm also a HUGE fan of Baz Luhrmann, so I know how well it can be done. He is responsible for Moulin Rouge, the Great Gatsby, etc. He realizes that music is responsible for mood and helps create the setting. You don't see a Luhrmann movie without wanting to buy the soundtrack. I think Beyonce's "Haunted", "Crazy In Love" and Ellie Goulding's "Love Me Like You Do" were perfect for this film. I only wish that you could buy Beyonce's tracks on iTunes without buying the entire soundtrack.

My advice: If you haven't read the books but plan to, don't see the movie. It will ruin it for you. And if you don't plan on reading the books, prepare to be confused and disappointed. 

If you've seen the Fifty Shades of Grey first installment, let me know your opinion. I'm thinking a lot of true fans of the books will have shared opinions like mine.

Laters, baby.

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