Monday, March 10, 2014


I remember growing up, seeing commercials for Seaworld. I wanted to go so bad, about as much as Disney World. However, I never realized the cost of seeing these animals up close. I heard bits and pieces about a new documentary called Blackfish and was interested to see what it's about. I'm always seeking information about things that interest me, that I don't know anything about. To say that Blackfish opened my eyes, is an understatement. 

Blackfish introduces you to the life of an Seaworld/Sealand trainer. Every former trainer that was interviewed loved their job, working with these incredible animals. Sounds like a dream job to me! 

What they were never told and didn't realize is how dangerous these animals are. Even the most safety-oriented and experienced trainer is at risk. Let's think about it: imagine a 10 ton whale cooped up in a concrete tank for their entire life. Not to mention that orca was taken from their family to get there and are also called a "killer whale." Recipe for disaster.
Seaworld has even instructed their employees to tell visitors of the park that the whales live longer in their care than in the ocean. They've got jokes.

Chicago-area native, Dawn Brancheau was known as one of the most experienced trainers in the world. Her life was cut short when a former Sealand turned Seaworld whale, named Tilikum, drug her into the pool during a show. He brutally mutilated her body. Tilikum previously killed another trainer at Sealand. You may ask why is he still at Seaworld? Or why was he sent there in the first place after Sealand closed? Because his sperm is very valuable. It's always about money, isn't it? Brancheau was not the first and she will not be the last.

You want to know what Seaworld said? It was a trainer error... and that was after they changed their story twice on what actually happened. Eye witnesses told the real story. 

I wanted to see what kind of backlash Seaworld was getting from the public due to Blackfish, so I took to Twitter. One user stated that she just watched it and was disturbed by Seaworld's actions and their inhumane practices. Sea world responded by giving her a link to their own website, telling her to look into the "facts." Are they kidding? Who is their PR person? Haven't they seen Free Willie?!? 
Thats seriously like using wikipedia as a source. Seaworld refused to comment or give any input for Blackfish. Bold strategy.

California's Orca Welfare and Safety Act would stop killer whale shows at Seaworld. San Diego is the only location in California that has (10) whales in captivity. The bill would ban Seaworld from using the whales as entertainment in shows, but not prevent them from keeping them in tanks for viewing. We will see what happens. I think one day we might look back on these times and think how barbaric it really is to keep these animals in captivity for their entire lives, for our entertainment. 

I do not claim to know anything about this industry and the well being of these animals, but I think that it would be foolish to disregard Blackfish. It's worth a watch.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

American Hustle

To continue my Oscar hangover this week, I'd like to share with you American Hustle. I went to see this at the theatre on Saturday and enjoyed it very much.

Christian Bale's character, Irving Rosenfeld perfected the art of the hustle. He brings confidence, wit, and smoothness to his game of making a quick buck here and there, on the side of his dry cleaning business. He meets the love of his life, Sydney Prosser, played by Amy Adams. Prosser, underneath her English facade, is merely a child of hustling too. Irving and Sydney make a great team until federal agent, Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper) catches them mid-job. DiMaso then tries to use their gift of deception to catch other hustlers in the act. You can't out hustle a hustler though, remember that!

However, Sydney is not the only woman in Irving's life. Jennifer Lawrence plays Rosalyn, Irving's wife and mother of his adopted son. And man, is she a piece of work. When she speaks, you want to cringe and at the same time root her on for being so bold and honest.  Rosalyn is a little too much for Irving to handle sometimes. 

I enjoyed watching these characters make their moves and try to take down corruption. It was amazing to me how Christian Bale transformed himself for this role. I didn't even recognize him. 

I've always enjoyed movies about corruption and the hustle for the American dream. Blow, Ocean's, etc. It's so interesting to see how people lived during that time period too. The fashion, the social gatherings, and the lack of technology. 

If you are looking for a flick to watch with a glass of wine or martini, this is the one to choose. It's a lot of fun! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dallas Buyers Club

I have been on a bit of a role with watching new movies. I guess you could say I've had some Oscar fever. I went to see American Hustle on Saturday, at the theatre. Last night I purchased Dallas Buyers Club on my Apple TV through the Apple store. After Matthew McConaughey's win for Best Leading Role, Jared Leto's Best Supporting Role win, and the speeches that followed, Dallas Buyers Club seemed like a 'must-see.' 

Placed in 1985, McConaughey's character Ron Woodruff lives the rodeo party life when he finds out that he is HIV positive and was given 30 days to live. I was absolutely shocked at how sickly skinny Matthew was in this part, but it sold you on the realness of the situation and what people that live with this virus go through.

Ron was not about to lay down and die. He finds Rayon, a gay business partner played by Leto (also HIV positive) to sell vitamins, minerals, and a non-toxic antidote to help people live. However, its not approved by the FDA, but not banned. Loop hole, until the IRS and FEDs hear about it. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies are selling a toxic drug to medical facilities to try on patients. 

This movie truly shows how corrupt and ignorant our government was to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Although there is still no cure, there are ways to live with it rather than simply surviving. I'm not sure about everybody else, but if I'm terminally ill I would try anything to make myself get better. You have one life to live and I don't want the FDA making decisions on my happiness and health, especially when their agenda is based upon their financial benefit. Its one thing if it truly is unsafe and its another if they aren't willing to test new solutions.

Matthew McConaughey deserves every bit of that Oscar. He became Ron Woodruff, HIV positive. I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to see a day in the life of AIDS. The more we inform ourselves about these kind of topics, the better our society will be. We are at a time where ignorance should not be what holds us back.