Thursday, November 6, 2014


What do you get when you cross a shoplifter, a fashionista, and a millionaire? You get #GIRLBOSS, Sophia Amoruso. By taking her vintage online eBay shop located in her apartment to a multi-million dollar company with zero debt, Amoruso became the CEO and creative director of Nasty Gal from the ground up. 

Amoruso's depiction of her life and rise to success is nothing short of comical. Sophia had an interesting young adult life. One of my favorite scenarios she illustrates in #GIRLBOSS is when she had meetings coming up with Michael Kors and Nordstrom and she reflected on the fact that at one time she stole a Michael Kors watch from a Nordstrom. Ironic, right? Well, Sophia has chucked her shoplifting days to the curb and has set her sights on growing her thriving business. Without a degree, I might add.

The #GIRLBOSS herself gives tips on interviewing, cover letters, resumes, and professional behavior. Although its a lot easier said than done, believe in your instincts and follow a career path that makes you happy. Sophia's colorful use of the english language makes this book a good read, but I do have to say that I was expecting more of a 'wow' factor. However, I can get behind a super-sarcastic lady who knows the correct use of your and you're. I would have liked a little more about her and less self-help advice. I already know that I need to be myself and choose something that I love to do, but sometimes I think the real question for most people is what is that? I like what I do, but if I could choose something that I'm completely and totally passionate about, I think it would be something else. And even then I could think of quite a few things that I love, but is there a career path out there for it? Is anyone else with me?

I'm not saying that it wasn't an interesting read, I read it in a day. But, I guess I was just expecting more anecdotes about her experiences at Nasty Gal and connections she made along the way. Anyway, I'm a Nasty Gal fan and will continue to shop their racks website for unique and stylish clothing.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Just a Spoon Full of Sugar

I'm a couple days late, but I thought I would share my Halloween costume from this year. If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you got a sneak peek on Friday night. 

Mary Poppins

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! 

Friday, October 17, 2014

13 Nights of Halloween 2014

Last year I put together my own 13 Nights of Halloween. Since Halloween is my favorite holiday and I love scary movies, I'm compiling another list of tv shows and films to lead you through 2014's 13 Nights of Halloween. Get ready because it all begins Sunday!

Night One: Sunday, October 19th
I'm kicking things off with the seven deadly sins. Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman investigate the murders of a serial killer and what they find along the way is enough to make your stomach turn.

The Silence of the Lambs
This was one of those movies that I didn't want to watch because I was so scared of it as a kid. It showed me the meaning of what a true twisted soul is.

Night Two: Monday, October 20th
The friendly ghost is going to start out your week with his three crazy ghost uncles at the spooky Whipstaff Manor.

Monster's Inc.
Monsters? Whats Halloween without monsters?

Night Three: Tuesday, October 21st
Child's Play
Chuckie terrified me when I was younger and then they decided to give him a bride?!? YIKES! Creepiest "doll" I've ever seen.

Night Four: Wednesday, October 22nd
The Skelton Key
I saw this movie for the first time this year and was thoroughly creeped out. Be prepared for some deep southern voodoo.

The Blair Witch Project
When this film first came out, everyone was in an uproar and I have to say that watching it alone with the lights off is sure to make you frightened of your own shadow.

Night Five: Thursday, October 23rd
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Although this is not necessarily a scary movie, it is deep and dark. It sure as heck made me want to crawl out of my own skin at times. The book trilogy was amazing too, if you like to read!

Night Six: Friday, October 24th
Michael Myers has to be one of the most horrifying individuals to ever be introduced to the world. As a crime show junky, I've learned that some kids are just created to be psychopaths and serial killers. Mr. Myers is one of them and definitely one of the most terrifying characters out there.

As I said last year, I'm not sure what my Dad was thinking letting me watch all these horrifying movies. Pumpkinhead was no different.

Night Seven: Saturday, October 25th
They're creaky and their kooky, mysterious and spooky... The Addams Family.
This night is a double feature with The Addams Family and Addams Family Values.

Night Eight: Sunday, October 26th
The Walking Dead (amc)
What is more frightening than watching a bunch of zombie-walkers try to eat innocent humans? Perfect show to celebrate Halloween. 

Revenge (ABC)
I'm not sure there is anything more evil than Victoria Grayson. Although she is not posted up in her ivory tower anymore, the wicked witch has plans brewing for Emily Thorne Amanda Clarke.

Night Nine: Monday, October 27th
I Know What You Did Last Summer & I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
These movies scared me when I was in junior high. They reminded me of Scream because they were like a teenager scary movie with all the then up-and-coming young celebrities. Well, I guess accidentally killing someone with your friends and being haunted by someone that knew would be more than I could take!

Night Ten: Tuesday, October 28th
The Sixth Sense
"I See Dead People..." That quote has to be one of the most well known of all time when it comes to scary movies. Seeing dead people would make for a hard time falling asleep at night.

Night Eleven: Wednesday, October 29th
Don't Look Under the Bed
If you weren't watching Disney Channel Original movies as a child, you missed out because they killed it with this flick about the boogeyman. Such a wonderful spooky movie for kids. I think I actually had nightmares with this one. lol.

But DON'T say it three times!

Night Twelve: Thursday, October 30th
The eve before All Hallow's Eve calls for a night of Tim Burton. All four of these movies are great. Just the right amount of spooky without begin completely terrifying to the point of actual nightmares.
The Nightmare Before Christmas


If you're really going to get crazy and have the time, pop in Corpse Bride too!

Night Thirteen: Friday, October 31st
Halloween Town
Disney came in again with one of my favorite Halloween movies of all time.

Hocus Pocus
It wouldn't be right without watching Hocus Pocus. Nothing says Halloween quite like the Sanderson Sisters. Don't light the black flame candle!

I'm really excited to put together my costume this weekend. No hints, though.
Happy 13 Nights of Halloween!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to Get Away with Murder


As soon as I saw commercials for "How to Get Away with Murder", I couldn't wait to watch it. Although I'm only a paralegal, I really enjoy examining the facts of a case to come up with a strategy.   I think I'm already obsessed with this series. The pilot alone blew my mind. 

Professor Annalise Keating is a defense attorney teaching a criminal law class to group of law school students.  Her lesson plans are not your traditional courses, bringing the true meaning to hands-on learning. Professor Keating takes five students on a crash course into the down and dirty life of a defense attorney by helping her with her own cases. Watch as her and the team discredit witnesses and sabotage the prosecution, all while getting tangled in a murder that will change their lives forever.

This show is intense, but I'm not sure exactly how realistic the show is in portraying criminal law. I only do workers' compensation, so this show is NOTHING like the real world. However, its fun to get wrapped up in the fantasy for entertainment.

Tune in every Thursday night to watch Professor Keating help her clients get away with murder!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


There are many speeches that go down in history as monumental for change in society and I believe this is one of them. This is not just an issue in the United States. Equality is a global issue that most of us see take place every day. United Nation's Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson, or as many of the you know as Hermione from Harry Potter, gave a speech over the weekend regarding her new HeForShe movement that left me with goosebumps. 

I think one of the high points for me was how she defined what a feminist is. I never really thought of the term the way she so eloquently described it. She changed my entire perspective on what it means to be a feminist and open doors to starting conversation on global gender equality. 
"We should stop defining each other by what we are not, and start defining ourselves by who we are."

Emma has been placed on my list of beautiful and strong women that I admire. I'd love it if her and Sophia Bush tag teamed this movement. I can't imagine the kind of change they would implement. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Have you ever thought about what a serial killer's thought process is? I've always wondered what is going on up there and why they make the choices they do. I guess that explains why I'm a crime show junkie too. 

Anyway, I started watching Dexter back at the beginning of August and finished the series (all eight seasons!) in about two weeks. Yes, I do have a job. lol. I know its an older show, but a lot of people don't have Showtime to view. Its not on regular cable.

The series is a story about a boy who learned how to deal with his urges to kill. A system, a code of "ethics", if you will. As a grown up, he is a Blood Splatter Analyst (fitting) for Miami Metro Homicide... Side job: Serial Killer of Rapists, Murderers, and Wrong-doers. Its hard not to like him because of who his "clientele" is.

Each season has a new, mysterious fellow-killer that Dexter hunts, all while Dexter and the viewers learn more about him and his past. I suggest if you like dramas and crime shows to watch. I wasn't thrilled about how it all ended, but you be the judge!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


It's been awhile since my last post, but I thought I would recap my 25th birthday! My parents and brother flew in to celebrate and I had the best time. Friday morning I was greeted with red velvet cake pops (my favorite) and beach themed cookies. My dad's cousin made them and they were Ah-mazing. So cute, I almost didn't want to eat them. 

I loved all my presents, but I have to say my favorite is my new big girl camera. 
My mom did her research and we were able to pick up this Nikon beauty with two lenses, all while taking advantage of the Labor Day sales. Now I'm itching to take some great pictures. 

We stayed by the pool for the day and had a Mexican spread for lunch, complete with homemade salsa and guacamole. 

For dinner on my birthday, we went to one of my favorites in North Hills, Vivace. And they delivered once again...

Saturday was a beach day. We took a drive out to Emerald Isle, NC. Very clean and pretty beach. There were a lot of families and people there.

For their last night in Raleigh, we went to another favorite of mine...Cowfish.

I'm so glad my family was able to make it to Raleigh for my 25th birthday. We had a great time and I was sad to see them leave, but I'll be back in Chicago for a wedding in October. :)