Monday, April 27, 2015

You Know You Love Me... Xoxo


"The Upper East Side was like something from Fitzgerald or Thackeray. Teenagers acting like adults. Adults acting like teenagers, guarding secrets, writing gossip all with the trappings of truly opulent wealth. And membership in this community was so elite, you couldn’t even buy your way in. It was a birth right. A birth right I didn’t have, and my greatest achievements would never earn me. All I had to compare to this world was what I read in books, but that gave me the idea. I wasn’t born into this world – maybe I could write myself into it."

Its taken me awhile to write and pay tribute to one of my favorite television series of all time because I wanted it to be perfect. The world of Great Gatsby in the 1920's has always mesmerized me. The glitz, glamour, parties, and romantic (and sometimes tragic) love draw me in. Gossip Girl is a modern twist to that world and I could watch it over and over again. 
If you haven't seen the show and wish to, please be aware of my disclaimers for the rest of the week because I may ruin some parts for you. The series is a true love letter in its entirety and I wouldn't want to reveal all of the Upper East Side's secrets... I'll leave Gossip Girl to that because the only thing "thicker than blood is the ink on page six."

As an amateur blogger writer myself, the character of Daniel Humphrey (Penn Badgley) inspires me. To seek more, become my best self, and to write. Dan is an aspiring writer with a story to tell from the outside looking in. He's a modern day Nick Carraway. That is until Ms. Serena Van Der Woodsen (Blake Lively) takes notice and his world is turned upside down, or shall I say upper-east-side down. It really does amaze me how Dan transforms through each season. Does anyone else still want to read "Inside" as much as me? Or for that matter, the "Monarch of Manhattan?" I would love to read his beautifully written words about my favorite elite crew of socialites, in their own right.


This show depicts a group of teenagers finding their way through life and in love. You would think that with all the money at their finger tips everything would be much easier, but they deal with a lot of the same issues and obstacles normal people do.... just in really nice clothes at really nice places. lol.

And while the elite are scheming to fulfill their own agendas, a phantom blogger captures their secrets to reveal them to their world. The all-knowing Gossip Girl streams and mass texts her way into the lives of Manhattan's elite. The burning question is who is this mysterious Girl?

Set in New York City, I can't wait to experience the energy and magic it has to offer when my mom and I visit next week. In preparation and in tribute, I'm dedicating this week to all things Gossip Girl

You know you love me. 
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