Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Different Directions

I'm not going to lie, I think I'm still in a little shock that Zayn Malik is no longer a part of One Direction. I listen to their songs and wonder how they will replace his amazing and unique voice, especially his solos that make each song even more brilliant. How about those high notes?!? I'm not sure any of the other guys can reach them. Apparently, Harry jokingly tried in "Diana" and completely failed. lol. They all have different sounds to their singing, so I'm interested in how that will work for the current tour and years to come when they perform the older songs. 
My question for Zayn is: "Whats next?" How do you go from being in a band that has reached and continues to reach such success and say I'm done with it? That was his reasoning behind leaving the band, but I don't think he realized that the cameras aren't going away. He is famous and will be for a long time. People will be interested in his life for the duration. Ultimately, it was his decision and I respect that. I'm just not sure what kind of normalcy he is expecting though. 

On Saturday, I read an article that Zayn is actually writing and recording his own solo album. Um... am I missing something here? I thought he wanted to be a "normal 22-year-old." He said that being in the band didn't "feel real" to him anymore. Obviously from what we know, the guys responded in the most professional and respectful way possible, but I'm sure they are very hurt. Heck, Harry once said that he wanted to do this for 10 more years! He is also a born performer and probably will for as long as he can.

Although I am still a little heartbroken, it sounds like the remaining four are going to continue making hits and touring the world. To all my fellow Directioners, its going to be okay! I think the band doesn't want their ride to end. I've already heard talks of writing and recording for their next album. My fear originally was that they would slowing come crumbling down upon Zayn's departure, but I think that we haven't seen the last of One Direction.
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