Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Look

As you may have noticed, things are looking a bit different around here. I figured since I don't have my long hair anymore, it was time to change things up. Wouldn't want any false advertising going on. 

I went with something more simple, clean, and crisp to direct my readers' focus to the post rather than become distracted by too much going on with the layout. It's kind of like modeling, in a way. The models are there to draw focus to the clothes, not the other way around. The content is what matters. 

I've updated my blog's look with the help of a longtime friend from college, Hannah. She helped me with my original layout too. She does a great job and it's fun creating something with a friend like her. I like writing and she likes designing, so it worked out perfect!
(check out her own blog here.)

Let me know what you think!

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