Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Imagine having an identical twin. I know this isn't a foreign concept, but it is very rare. The odds of having identical twins is about one in 250. If you are a twin to begin with, then your odds go up of course, but there are other factors that go into that probability. But enough of the statistics.
What if your identical twin went to prison for murder? Then the brother of the victim decides once your brother has paid his debt to society in full, he is going to come after you for the murder. Because with identical twins, he just isn't sure that your brother actually did it. Great timing, right? Identical is a tale of advances in DNA technology, how the law applies, and a whole new meaning of deception. 
This one definitely took me some time to read. It started out very slow. If anyone follows me on Goodreads, you know this book has been in my "currently reading" bin for a while. However, after getting passed part one, I couldn't put it down. Read the rest of the book in a couple hours. When you think you have it all figured out and know what's going to happen next... Turow throws a curve ball your way and you only want to know more. Although fiction, I try to imagine something like this story happening in real life and if it could actually be done. I can't even imagine the press on this one!
What will the DNA reveal? Will new technology in forensics change anything? Do the fingerprints at the original crime scene match the man who did the time? 

You will have to read to find out!
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