Tuesday, September 9, 2014


It's been awhile since my last post, but I thought I would recap my 25th birthday! My parents and brother flew in to celebrate and I had the best time. Friday morning I was greeted with red velvet cake pops (my favorite) and beach themed cookies. My dad's cousin made them and they were Ah-mazing. So cute, I almost didn't want to eat them. 

I loved all my presents, but I have to say my favorite is my new big girl camera. 
My mom did her research and we were able to pick up this Nikon beauty with two lenses, all while taking advantage of the Labor Day sales. Now I'm itching to take some great pictures. 

We stayed by the pool for the day and had a Mexican spread for lunch, complete with homemade salsa and guacamole. 

For dinner on my birthday, we went to one of my favorites in North Hills, Vivace. And they delivered once again...

Saturday was a beach day. We took a drive out to Emerald Isle, NC. Very clean and pretty beach. There were a lot of families and people there.

For their last night in Raleigh, we went to another favorite of mine...Cowfish.

I'm so glad my family was able to make it to Raleigh for my 25th birthday. We had a great time and I was sad to see them leave, but I'll be back in Chicago for a wedding in October. :)

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