Tuesday, July 8, 2014

House of Cards

As a child, I pictured the political world in Washington D.C. to be flowing with banners of red-white-blue, pearly white monuments, and respectable men and women serving our country through their public service. Today, I assume that it's much like Netflix's House of Cards... But maybe a little bit more tame. You know, all the stabbing in the back to get what you want…without actually stabbing in the back.

HOC is another Netflix original series, meaning you can only watch it if you are a subscriber to or have purchased the DVD/BlueRay box set. I was late to the party on this, but I thought I would share because you can't just stumble upon this show on TV. 

Francis Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey, is a representative of South Carolina for the United States of America. Between him and his wife, Claire (Kristen Wright... AKA Jennaaayy from Forest Gump. Lol), they are the ultimate power couple. Both pushing eachother to reach bigger and better goals, while still independent with their own agendas. Even if that means crippling anyone in their paths to get there.

Francis twists and turns situations to his benefit without anyone ever knowing it, most of the time. If they do know, he knows and will do anything to keep them quiet. And I mean anything. That includes getting the media involved. It is Mr. Underwood's way or no way. So play by his rules…

I'm in the middle of the second season and am already blown away by the beginning. If you like thrillers, politics, and suspense, this is a series for you! I'm excited to get back to D.C. now to experience the energy there. Can't wait! I love D.C. and Georgetown!

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