Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Gone Girl

Many people have raved to me about this book.  I finally got to read it this week. It was nice flight reading material. It took a little time to get into the story, but once it starts going…it does not stop. Holy page turner. This book truly blew my mind.

Mr. Nick Dunne is married to Ms. Amy Elliot Dunne. Amy is perfect, as described in her parents' children's book series, Amazing Amy. Nick and Amy are both writers too. They lived in New York City, but some hardships have sent them back to the good ole midwest. While living in Missouri, Amy goes missing... 

And who do the police believe was involved? The husband, of course.
When did Amy go missing? On their fifth anniversary. Nice timing, right? The media plays a large role in the investigation and sways the public in so many directions. Amy prepared her traditional "treasure hunt" for Nick's anniversary present. Each clue is an inside joke between the two of them, leading Nick to the next location where he will eventually find his present. These clues help unravel his wife's whereabouts and what might have happened to her.

I'm not going to elaborate or give anything away because thats what makes this book so good. However, I will say that its amazing how certain people's minds work. Intelligence can be used for good and evil. The story is separated into three sections and at each one, a switch is flipped and everything that you thought before is now thrown out the door. 

I will say that I was a little disappointed in the ending. I expected justice. And I will leave it at that. 


To everyone that recommended this book to me, Thank you! Great read. 

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