Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Taste and See

Looking for healthy recipes to fuel your athletic physique, deal with food allergies, improve overall health, or shed some pounds? Taste and See may be a solution for you! My cousin, Lisa Lubanovic (who happens to live in NC too!) put together a cookbook that includes 100% paleo, primal, zone, gluten-free, and dairy-free recipes. The cookbook manages to create solutions without sacrificing flavor. I personally know people who struggle with food allergies and have resorted to juicing most of what they consume. Taste and See can now provide other options for them too.

Growing up Lisa went from specialist to specialist trying to diagnose her issues. She has been tested for Celiac, Crohn's, and even Cancer, among other things. At the age 30, she was finally tested for food allergies and to her surprise, several foods showed a reaction. After two weeks of completely eliminating wheat/gluten (her highest food allergy) from her diet, nearly all of her symptoms were gone.  Lisa was taking medicine that doctors had told her she would be on for the rest of her life. By adjusting her diet, she was able to come off of every single medication she was on, under her doctor's supervision.

When adjusting her diet, she had to reinvent her family's menu. Lisa went from creating meals to survive to creating dishes that were even better tasting than the pervious versions. A lot of her recipes were created through trial and error, while acting as a sort of "food scientist." She was asked by some Paleo-devoted-diet friends to compile her recipes in book form. After three months, she had over 100 recipes to share and ultimately the birth of Taste and See. Lisa has been eating clean for over three years and as a result, has unbelievable energy and no returning symptoms. #WIN
One of my favorite blog posts on her website is Eating Healthy for Life. Lisa provides an informative outline for maintaining a healthy lifestyle mentally, at the grocery store, and in the kitchen. I always have a hard time at the store by caving for the unhealthy snacks. And after a long day at work, its difficult to always choose the healthy option in the kitchen. However, Mike and I have planned out meals for the week in advance and its proved to be both more economical and healthy. 

I will be using some of the recipes in our weekly menu from Taste and See. Our objective is to simply eat healthier and fuel our work outs. Mike and I do not have food allergies. Its easy to say you want to eat healthier, but it can be challenging to put together diverse, tasty, and nutritional meals day in and day out.  I also find myself wondering how to actually cook some of these foods and still maintain a healthy recipe. Coconut oil has been a great substitute in cooking for me.

Lisa has agreed to giveaway one of her fabulous cookbooks to one lucky winner. You can enter to win up to eight (8) times by joining my site, following me on bloglovin', sharing this post on Facebook, tweeting about the cookbook giveaway, liking Taste and See on Facebook, following @_tasteandsee_ on Twitter, joining the Taste and See Newsletter, and signing up for the Recipe of the Month.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Please be honest about your entries. Make sure to actually join, follow, like, or sign up for each entry. You can also purchase her cookbook in print or digital form on the Taste and See website. Thank you!

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