Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mad Love

I'm constantly looking for books that will inspire or teach me something new. I like new perspectives on issues or sometimes simply an author that can put a feeling into words. With the way I go through books, you can imagine it can get expensive. My mom and aunt told me about two websites for discounted and/or free books. The first is I find flipping the pages of a physical book therapeutic, so this was my first stop. I got three books for $12.00, shipping and tax included. The only problem I've found is that they go out of stock rather quickly. You might ask what books I bought and I went with a couple that are not particularly new, but ones I haven't read before. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed, Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, and Mad Love by Colet Abedi. Notice a theme? My wanderlust is in full force right now and I can't wait for my travel plans in the next couple of months. But for now, I will just read about them. 

The second site is I haven't used it yet, but my aunt told me she downloads discounted or free books right to her Kindle. It could definitely be worth a shot for people that read faster than they breathe. ;)

If you've followed any of my social media accounts within the past year, you've seen that I have taken a liking to yoga practice and meditation. Mad Love immediately drew me in due to the  main character's spiritual exploration in the Maldives. Sophie Watson travels to this magical place to "find herself" with two friends. She recently broke up with her boyfriend and dropped out of law school to be an artist. With disapproving parents, she needs a break. Sophie is introduced to the art of meditation through the resort's renown healer, Noom. There is really a peaceful and beautiful thing about just being. No thinking, no worrying, no stress. Its about feeling the energy and sometimes that can be tough to figure out. (Not that I'm an expert)

A lot of time I go into a book without really knowing all that its about. Case in point, Orange is the New Black and Fifty Shades of Grey. I seriously thought OITNB was about fashion and FSOG a crime/law trilogy. Jokes were on me! Mad Love was no different. This book turned into a FSOG novel real quick with the presence of English businessman, Clayton Sinclair. You can imagine what happens, but I enjoyed it and finished in a couple hours only to get to the last page to read "END OF BOOK ONE." They leave you at a total cliffhanger too. I should have done my research and known there was a sequel to have on deck for when I finished the first installment. Now I have to wait until Friday for Mad Love 2 to come in the mail. #thestruggle

If you are into Maya Banks' books or E. L. James' Fifty Shades of Grey series, then I would suggest Mad Love to you. But really, I don't think I can read another book about some millionaire sweeping a girl off her feet. We need some new storylines and characters, people.

Happy reading! 
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